Parent Empowerment

Children don’t come with a manual, which is why we provide resources to enable parents to successful navigate their child's academic journey and social well-being.

For parents of older students, we also hold workshops with state college representatives and help walk you through communicating with your teen while they apply.

Find out more about the schools in your area, what programs they offer and why some of those programs might be a good fit for your child. Learn the inside details of common core and which courses your child must complete to be accepted to a good college.

Empowerment activities include:

* Explanation of the A-G requirements for college acceptance

* Life skills:

  • Social emotional learning

  • How to unplug and connect with people

  • The art of writing letters

  • How to balance your checkbook

* LA Unified School District explained the common core

* Learn everyday tools that empower your young students (outside of instruction):

  • Glossary

  • Playlists

  • Document portal

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225 West Torrance Blvd. Suite D Carson, CA 90745


OFFICE 310.538.9185
FAX 310.538.9244


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